Pricing for each la carte option below is calculated as a one-time cost. Please contact us if you are interested in recurring or bundled services.

Custom Podcast Segments
Opens, Closes, Trailers, Spots, Promos, Voiceover (VO) services, and more!
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Audio Editing Services
Our a la Carte audio editing services are $130 per hour. A minimum one hour is required; additional billing is in 15-minute increments. Our a la Carte audio editing is recommended for single, one-off podcast episodes or audio projects; for ongoing production of multiple episodes, please see our Ongoing Production Packages.
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Virtual Studio Services
This option provides you access to a personal Virtual Studio (powered by In the studio, you will have a Sheep Jam Technical Producer present with you to record your audio content and manage files. You can have up to 7 guests join you at a time.

NOTE: Use of the Virtual Studio for a one-time session must be scheduled for a minimum of 1 hour at a rate of $130 per hour. Additional time is billed in 15-minute increments. (Current Sheep Jam Clients with Ongoing Production Packages may be eligible to schedule 30-minute sessions — please contact your Producer for details.)
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Show Note Preparation
— Simple Show Note Preparation: the Sheep Jam team will compile and format your Show Notes for you, working from reference material you provide, such as an outline, list of guest questions, links, or other simple internal notes that you used when recording your content.

— Complex Show Note Preparation: the Sheep Jam team will write your Show Note content for you "from scratch," based on your audio content.
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NOTE: If more time is required for the preparation of your Show Notes, you will be billed in 15-minute increments at $35 for Basic Show Note Preparation and at $40 for Complex Show Note Preparation.
Expert Help
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Other Services
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*NOTE: The cost for a la Carte Episode Publication is charged per episode, per platform. Publication to a podcast hosting provider (such as Podbean or Lybsin) is considered one platform. Additional publication to a website, if not integrated directly with your podcast hosting provider, is considered publication to a second platform.

Sheep Jam Productions currently publishes to the following podcast hosting platforms: Podbean, Libsyn, Blubrry, and Red Circle. We also publish to the website platforms Wix and Wordpress. If you wish to publish to a podcast or website platform that is not included in this list, please contact us to discuss your needs.
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What are Opens, Closes, Spots, Promos, and Trailers?

The Open, also known as an Intro, is a pre-recorded segment that is played near the beginning of each episode of a podcast. It typically features the theme music or signature sound effects and serves to introduce the purpose and style of the podcast to the listener. The Open may be voiced by the podcast host or by a voice actor and can vary in length and complexity, but it should reflect the unique style of the podcast and provide just enough information for a new listener to understand what to expect.

The Close, also called an Outro, is a pre-recorded segment that is played at the end of each episode. It reinforces the style and purpose of the podcast and may include information on where to find more content, how to follow the podcast on social media, and requests for follows or subscriptions. While it is recommended to have a Close, it is important to keep in mind that some listeners may not listen to the entire segment before turning off the podcast.

A Spot is a term used to describe any commercial, advertisement, or promo that promotes the podcast, the podcast host’s own products or services, or those of a third-party business.

A Promo is a type of Spot and often refers to a promotion of a podcast, typically the podcast host’s own. Promos are often used in cross-promotion, which is an exchange of promos between two or more podcasts to help promote each other’s shows.

A Trailer is a longer version of a Promo that introduces the podcast to potential new listeners. It serves a similar purpose to a movie trailer and may be designated as such on platforms like Apple Podcasts, allowing new listeners to listen to the Trailer before subscribing to the regular episodes. Trailers are typically between 1-4 minutes long.

Looking for other services?

Ongoing Production

Check out our customizable podcast production packages if you'd like holistic podcast production support with an existing podcast.

Launch Programs

Starting a new podcast from scratch? Click here for podcast launch packages.

Contact Us

For production support not listed above, or for special audio projects (including audio book production), contact us!

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