Design a podcast production package that suits your unique needs!
Because every podcast (and every podcaster) is unique, our production packages are all customizable. To build your package, estimate your average episode length, the number of episodes you expect to release per month, what aspects of production you want help with, etc.!
All of our Production Packages include:
- Support from the Sheep Jam Production Team
- Use of Sheep Jam's proprietary Podcast Management System
- Customized, interactive Production Calendar
- Audio editing & mastering of 4 episodes per Cycle* (additional episodes can be added)
- Publishing of 4 episodes per Cycle* to one hosting platform (additional episodes/platforms per Cycle can be added)
About Our Editing Levels
If this describes you, then we recommend you choose Essentials editing!
- “I’m a pro at speaking ‘on-air’ and on a mic, as are most of my guests (if applicable). I use minimal filler words (or I don’t need any filler words removed), I expect very few content cuts (1-2 per 15 minutes of content), and the recording quality of my audio and/or my guests’ audio is high.”
Essentials editing time allows for 1x the length of your final episode length, billed in 15-minute increments.
If this describes you, then we recommend you choose Premium editing!
- “I know the basics of working with a mic and am comfortable in recording setting, as are most of my guests (if applicable). I don’t use a lot of filler words (or I don’t need them removed). My audio quality (and that of my guests, if applicable) is overall pretty good. My content requires a moderate number of cuts / edits (approximately 3-4 per 15 minutes of content).”
Premium editing time allows for 1.5x the length of your final episode length, billed in 15-minute increments.
If this describes you, then we recommend you choose Platinum editing!
- “I’m new to podcasting and/or audio recording. My content is pretty free-form and unscripted, so I might need more content edits (5-7 cuts per 15 minutes of content). The audio quality or recording environment for me and/or my guests sometimes have issues. My guests or I use a lot of filler words and want some of that cleaned up.” OR
- “Even though I’m a pro at podcasting and recording (see “Essentials” description), I want more detailed, ‘white-glove’ editing.”
Platinum editing time allows for 2x the length of your final episode length, billed in 15-minute increments.
All pricing is calculated in Production Cycles of 4 episodes.
For most podcasters, this means a release of one episode per week and a monthly invoice, but you can release your episodes every other week or at any other interval.
Please note that we bill in 15 minute increments. Your final editing cost may vary per Cycle based on how much editing time your content requires.
Podcast hosting service costs are not included in pricing.